Inflation is considered to be undesirable because of its adverse effects on income distribution 通货膨胀被认为是有害的,因为它会对收入分配产生不利影响。
We must promote fairness in income distribution and gradually narrow the widening income gap. 我们不仅要实现收入分配的公平,逐步减少分配收入差距扩大的现象。
We will deepen reform of the income distribution system and strive to narrow the income gap. 要深化收入分配体制改革,努力缩小收入差距。
Unearned income is an important respect in our present income distribution system. 非劳动收入是我国当前收入分配制度中的重要内容。
Non-balanced development strategy has enabled urban and rural income distribution mechanism to have a fundamental change. 非均衡的发展战略使得我国城乡收入分配机制发生了根本性的变化;
So yearly salary system and incentive stock option are the main forms of manager income distribution system. 年薪制和股权期权制是经营者收入分配制度的主要形式。
It will effect the economic development and the social stability if the income distribution was unfair. 分配不公平,贫富差距过大,不仅影响经济发展,而且影响社会稳定。
Inequalities of the income distribution have long been the Achilles'heel of economic growth and development. 收入分配不平等长期以来是经济增长和发展的阿基里斯之踵。
Opinion polls show unprecedented concerns about income distribution and economic mobility. 民意测验显示人们对收入分配、经济流动给予了空前的关注。
The party was urged to set up a commission to enquire into tax, income distribution and welfare policy. 人们敦促该党设立一个调查税务、收入分配及福利救济政策的委员会。
The increasing income distribution disparity between residents is a striking problem in china's current economic development. 摘要居民之间收入分配差距的不断扩大,是当前我国经济发展中的突出问题。
Resource Allocation; Income Distribution; Transaction Cost; Institutional Arrangement. 资源配置;收入分配;交易费用;制度安排。
The result is significant to constitute and adjust correlative policies on Chinese rural income distribution and schooling. 上述结论对农村的收人分配政策与教育政策的制定和调整具有重要的含义。
As a main channel of accumulating human capital, Education has significant impact on income distribution. 教育作为人力资本积累的主要手段,对收入分配有着重要的影响。
One of the functions of individual income tax is to regulate income distribution and promote social justice. 个人所得税重要的功能之一就是调节收入分配,促进社会公平。
If they did not, changes in income distribution would have been much more uniform across countries. 如果这几点没有相结合,在不同国家的收入分配的改变将会更一致。
Public Finance aims to explore general laws of the government regulating the allocation of resources and national income distribution. 财政学旨在探索政府调节资源配置及国民收入分配的一般规律。
We can learn from the three transformations in solving the contradictions in the income distribution in China. 这三次转型对解决我国当前在个人收入分配中存在的矛盾有借鉴意义。
The rural income distribution and consumption difference in modern China 近代中国农村收入分配与消费差异研究
A Study on Rural Poverty, Income Distribution and Anti-poverty Policies in China 我国农村贫困、收入分配和反贫困政策研究
Adjustment of tax to income distribution 税收对收入分配调节
In the poor countries the main concern focused on the question of growth versus income distribution. 穷国关注的主要问题是增长与收入分配的关系。
Third, significant changes would occur in poverty and income distribution. 第三,在贫困和收入分配方面将发生重大变化。
Only economic growth, based on income distribution and social inclusion, can generate resources to pay the public debt and cut deficits. 只有经济实现了增长,才能创造出偿付公共债务和削减赤字所需的财力,而这种增长是建立在收入分配与社会包容的基础之上。
Proprietorship theory correctly solve the final ascription problem of income distribution. 所有权理论则正确地解决了收入分配的最终归属问题;
In this paper, by the use of a micro-simulation model, the comparative studies of the income distribution effects and financial effects between the three personal income tax reforms are engaged in. 笔者应用一个微观模拟模型,对于三次个人所得税改革的收入分配效应和财政效应进行了对比动态研究。
Social insurance may be justified on grounds of adverse selection, decision-making costs, income distribution, or paternalism. 社会保险存在的理由可能有逆向选择、决策成本、收入分配和家长主义。
Using the Gini coefficient to measure income distribution, zero means perfect equality and one complete inequality. 我们使用基尼系数(Gini)来衡量一国的收入分配,0代表完全平等,1代表完全不平等。
The outcome has been as intended: a more equitable net income distribution. 这种策略达到了预定的效果:净国民收入分配变得更公平。
As to the problem of low real wage in china, three hypotheses-comparative advantage hypothesis, economic structure hypothesis and income distribution hypothesis have different explanations. 针对我国实际工资水平较低的问题,理论界从比较优势假说、经济结构假说和收入分配假说不同的分析角度,分别给出了不同的解释。